“Reach” presented at West Contemporary in London, marked Nicholas Kontaxis’ international debut and showcased his vibrant, large-scale abstract works. The exhibition, which ran from September 4-10, 2019, featured Kontaxis’ signature style of colossal canvases adorned with a vivid palette.
Kontaxis’ paintings, known for their exuberant approach to mark-making and rich textures, captivated London’s art scene. The exhibition not only introduced Kontaxis to the international art market but also solidified his position as an emerging talent in the contemporary art world.
Nicholas Kontaxis Bright One, 2019
Nicholas Kontaxis Can I Get a Tractor, 2019
His use of colour is phenomenal. There is something harmonious yet disruptive about his compositions that mean you are seeing something new each time you look at them.
Nicholas Kontaxis Moments Pass, 2019
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