Nicholas Kontaxis That Way Heather James Fine Art

March 17, 2018

Heather James Fine Art
45188 Portola Ave
Palm Desert, CA

That Way

Over 1,200 people filled the renowned Heather James Fine Art Gallery in Palm Desert for “That Way”, Nicholas’ hometown debut solo exhibition in March 2018.

Nicholas Kontaxis Car Ride 2018

Nicholas Kontaxis
Car Ride, 2018

Nicholas Kontaxis Lucky Charms

Nicholas Kontaxis
Lucky Charms, 2018

Nicholas’ story is similar to that of numerous other prominent figures throughout art history; van Gogh had temporal-lobe epilepsy, which many believe contributed greatly to his expressionistic use of color, and Matisse became wheelchair-bound after surgery and adapted his abilities to produce his now iconic cut-out series. We are honored and excited to share Nicholas’ work with his hometown.”

Nicholas Kontaxis
Nicholas Kontaxis That Way at Heather James Fine Art
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