Nicholas Kontaxis

Heaven's Real, 2020

Acrylic on canvas
144 x 144 in. (365.8 x 365.8 cm.)

Catch Me, UTA Artist Space, Los Angeles, June 3-July 1, 2022

The Backstory
Prayer and meditation have always been an important part of how Nicholas has managed his condition, especially during difficult periods when he is experiencing seizures. Drawing on the stained glass and mosaics in the Greek Orthodox church he has attended since childhood, marks a turning point in Nicholas’ approach to abstraction and spiritual subject matter. With help from an assistant, he made this monumental painting by taping off sections of the canvas to work on them individually, creating a grid system that organizes and constrains his marks. The vibrating patchwork of overlapping colors, produced with thousands of tiny brushstrokes, recalls the pointillism of George Seurat, while the structure of the piece invokes the late works of Piet Mondrian. The effect is at once energetic and meditative, like a church window.


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